Queenship Restored, LLC presents its second artistic collaboration with artist Serena Saunders. After accepting the invitation to create the cover art design for "Severing Soul Ties," Serena instantly devoted her time to studying the scriptures of Galatians 5 and Romans 8 to gain artistic clarity and direction for the commission. The interpretation is a woman/man looking to God for the severing of their soul ties. The black butterflies (soul ties) are behind him/her. Transformation to God's Will happens with the colored butterflies, and true freedom is attained (severing soul ties) with the white butterflies.
Queenship Restored, LLC was pleased to begin its first collaboration with Texas based artist De'Vonte' Rhea in March 2016. After accepting the invitation to collaborate, De'Vonte' instantly grasped the vision of QR, applying his classic "drip" style painting technique for each woman portrayed. His technique accurately interprets the reconciliation process, the shedding of our "before Christ ('dripping')" presentation, while capturing the emergence of beauty and purpose through restoration unto Him. This interpretation fully inspired QR's first book, "Queenship Restored: The Reconciliation of the Alpha Woman."